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In Small lies the Big: The Ripple Effect of Life | Kirtan Shah | TEDxKESShroffCollege

Mr. Kirtan Shah, a powerhouse in financial education and wealth management. As the former Executive  ...View More

Shutter to Success : A lens into an entrepreneurial vision | Smit Chitalia | TEDxKESShroffCollege

Smit Chitalia, an accomplished media producer and the visionary founder of Picture Media. With an im ...View More

Destiny has its own way | Karan Lohia | TEDxKESShroffCollege

Karan Lohia, a prominent figure in the world of finance and technology. Boasting an astounding 1.5 m ...View More

Manifesting a Multidimensional Life: Dream or Reality? | Amisha Sethi | TEDxKESShroffCollege

Amisha Sethi – a crowned winner of Mrs. India Worldwide 2021, an accomplished Bollywood actor, bests ...View More

How to Become Confident in 18 minutes? | Divas Gupta | TEDxKESShroffCollege

In the realm of public speaking and guiding personal growth, Mr. Divas Gupta stands as a luminary, h ...View More

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